I thought I should update my blog, even though it’s taking time away from some really fun side hobbies. This post breaks with the unspoken tradition on this blog, which is that every post should be something meaningful, with original content. But I want to simply record what I did for 2 months after quitting my job, and what I felt and experienced for 1 month after joining a new company.


  • Previous: I developed myself by reading a book at a cafe before going to work.
  • Now: Get up, warm-up, and run 3km. It’s been about four weeks since I practiced it, and I feel lighter and refreshed.

Side project

I have a number of side projects all clamoring for my loving care. In years past, I would work on multiple projects at the same time, and start new ones even without finishing old ones. This year, I plan to just focus on one project at a time!

I had 2 months of free time before joining a new company. I wanted to go on a trip, but I couldn’t move because of COVID-19😷. It made me to focus more on side project. Now, the MVP(Minimal Viable Product) specifications are almost implemented. All the members of the project did their job well. We wanted to get rid of the sorrow that couldn’t finish the side projects. So our priority was to launch the service rather than to go well.

  • Server: kotlin, grpc, netty
  • Android: java, okhttp, grpc
  • Web: react, redux, redux-saga

The protocol was designed based on protobuf, and everyone, as well as server developers, tried it for the first time, but it was satisfying(If I were to do a new project, I would like to make it based on protobuf again). I plan to write about this project someday.


Before joining the new company, I wrote down a few things I wanted to achieve personally and what I wanted for the team. Actually, It can seem like a weird idea to want something from the team. But this is a small wish from inertia that I have been with a good team.


Being someone who wants to be together.

  1. The harder it is, think positively.
  2. Listen carefully and save the words.
  3. Take time to look back on me.
  4. Don’t be shy about not knowing, ask first and learn.
  5. Don’t lose the thought of becoming the best.


I will be posting something at least once a month, I hope, to share some thoughts with you all. I thank all past, present, and future readers, for giving me the motivation to keep this blog alive! And… I’ll write the status update briefly next time🙂.